Breastfeeding isn’t natural?

Sometimes an article is published that just makes you scratch your head and wonder what were they thinking. This is one of those and is one that I can’t believe was actually published. The authors of this paper feel that it is dangerous to label breastfeeding as “natural” because it may (gasp!) actually cause people…

Measles: a natural history

If you watch the news for any length of time, which you shouldn’t, the measles “epidemic” will surely come up. From what I can gather Mickey coughed in some kids sugar slam frozen delight with extra artificial food coloring, but natural flavoring, and now everyone west of the Mississippi will surely die of measles. OK…

Chiropractic care and infertility

In the United States up to 11% of women suffer with infertility or some form of difficulty getting pregnant. That’s over 7 million women a year seeking methods to help them have a baby. For women over 35 it is almost 25% that will have difficulty. These difficulties aren’t just emotionally taxing they can be financially…

Improvement of a Child with ADHD Undergoing Chiropractic Care

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder while becoming more prevalent still evades a clear cause. Studies have already compared PET scans, SPECT scans, MRI, CAT scans and blood or urine tests of kids diagnosed with ADHD to those without and found no differences. Even without a clear diagnosis or cause, addictive drugs altering brain chemistry are the…