Resurrecting Free Play in Young Children.

With spring on the calendar and it starting to actually feel like it out there some days lets keep going on the whole outside theme. In this weeks article i found a research paper that looked at the benefits of giving kids unstructured outdoor play time. The importance of children being allowed to engage in…

Can you adjust yourself?

When I first meet someone and they find out I am a Chiropractor there is a response I sometimes get that I dread. “Oh you’re a Chiropractor? I have back pain so I adjust myself all the time.” Then they proceed to twist their spine or even worse grab their head and torque their neck…

Chiropractic care for fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a debilitating disease affecting nearly 5 million Americans. It is characterized by widespread pain throughout the body with no specific cause. In addition to chronic pain, people who suffer with fibromyalgia also usually suffer with an inability to get restful sleep, depression and general exhaustion. There are no specific tests that can definitively…

The importance of supplementing with Vitamin D

As we all know we should be getting our Vitamin D naturally just by being in the outdoors. However there are two potential problems with relying on the natural process of being out in the sun to make sure we get enough vitamin D. The first being right now its just so cold out! Winter…

The importance of a quality probiotic supplement

For the last of the big three supplements everyone should be taking to enhance their health this week I’m covering probiotics. Probiotics are the healthy gut bacteria we should have in our digestive tract. They are found in foods like yogurt and should be in fermented foods like traditionally prepared sauerkraut or kimchi. The problem…

The importance of a quality Omega essential oil supplement

Previously I covered the first of the 3 important supplements you should be taking which was a multivitamin. This article I’m diving into Omega essential oils, commonly referred to as fish oil. (See what I did there? Diving, fish. Ha! At least I’m entertaining myself writing this) The Omega essential oils are commonly called fish…

The Importance of a Quality Multi-vitamin

There are three key supplements we should be taking to be healthy. They are a multi-vitamin, fish oil and probiotics. This article will cover multi vitamins the other two are important enough to get there own write ups so look those up too. Ideally most of our nutrition should be coming from our diet. However…